Post a job for free
Publish your open positions on our map-based job board for Switzerland.
Free job listings
Post jobs for free
Publish your job listings for free and automatically display them on our map-based marketplace with your employer profile.
Optimized visibility
Greater reach
Benefit from Google for Jobs and mobile optimization to make your job listings visible to candidates everywhere.
Job alerts and newsletter
Targeted notifications
Your job listings are regularly included in our job alerts and newsletters, reaching suitable candidates for maximum visibility.
Post jobs for free
Publish your job listings for free and automatically display them on our map-based marketplace with your employer profile.
Greater reach
Benefit from Google for Jobs and mobile optimization to make your job listings visible to candidates everywhere.
Targeted notifications
Your job listings are regularly included in our job alerts and newsletters, reaching suitable candidates for maximum visibility.
The free job listing by Jobmaps
Why does Jobmaps offer free job postings?
We aim to make hiring simpler, more cost-efficient, and faster. For most companies, the search for new employees starts with a job posting. At Jobmaps, you can post job listings for free - no matter how many postings you have or how long they stay online.
How does the free job posting work?
Create your job listing in a few simple steps and publish it online instantly. Your listing will be displayed alongside your employer profile on our map-based search, making it easy for suitable candidates to find you.
What is the free job posting?
Our free service for companies - and a preview of our premium business solutions: The free job posting gives businesses the opportunity to experience Jobmaps and its benefits. Our goal is to convince you of our premium solutions in the long term.

Jobmaps for employers – visible, effective, strategic
Maximize your employer brand and shorten your time-to-hire. With Jobmaps, you can activate talent, increase your visibility, and leverage intelligent matching for strategic recruiting—visible nationwide, locally relevant.
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